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  1. There must be a bug in the Ufile software. I wasted at least a day trying above methods methodically. None of the above methods worked for me, possibly because the extra complication that T4A revenue came to my wife, and the self employment business is a partnership. I was forced to delete the T4As and put the income in Other income in the business. Tax amounts the same, I hope CRA does not try to add in the T4As again. Now I can netfile. Ufile; please investigate this bug.
  2. Yes, I am with TDW! It took me a long time to figure out how to get Ufile to present a T1170! Once I achieved that, then I deleted the corresponding t5008. Info showed up in the sched with zero inclusion rate, but no way to indicate which charity it went to. Glad to hear it worked for you in the past. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  3. I donated securities to a charity. The brokerage sent me a t5008 showing the value of the securities as disposition. I gather that I need to set the Inclusion Rate to zero for that capital gain; where do I do that in Ufile??? Thanks CharlesF
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