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Everything posted by Gaetan

  1. The program allows you to enter alimony or support payments received (for yourself and/or for your dependant child or children, whichever case applies). To enter the amounts received pertaining to alimony or support payments, please follow these steps: 1. In the "QuikClik Navigator", select "Interview setup". 2. In the « Income » section on the right-hand side, check the box for « Alimony or support payments received » and click on « Next » at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the "QuikClik Navigator", select the item "Child support/alimony" and choose the option « Support payments received by you » on the right-hand side screen. 4. On the page that appears, enter all the relevant information, in particular the following two lines "Total Support payments received in 2014" and "Non taxable child support expected for 2014". The program will report these amounts to line 156 and 128 of the federal return. It should be noted that only the amount on line 128 is taxable. For residents of Quebec, the program will report only the taxable amount on line 142 of the Quebec return. For more information, please consult the following links: For the CRA: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprtpymnts/menu-eng.html For Revenu Québec: http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citoyen/pens_alim/defiscalisation.aspx
  2. The first time you print a tax return, submit it via NETFILE, or save a return in .PDF format, this tax return is added to the program's counter. Afterwards, you can make changes to that person's tax return for the year in question and print, submit via NETFILE, or save the return in .PDF format without it being added to the counter again. Note, however, that if you change the person's SIN or date of birth on a return that was already printed, submitted via NETFILE or saved in .PDF format, the tax return will be treated like a new return by the program and added to the counter if you attempt to print, submit via NETFILE, or save the return in .PDF format once again. Therefore, it is very important to verify and confirm the person's SIN and date of birth prior to registering/adding the return to the counter.
  3. The QST number should be entered in this format: NNNNNNNNNNTQNNNN Where N represent a number and it usually ends with 0001 Example:1234567890TQ0001
  4. 1. Download the latest UFile 2014 full installation from: http://downloads.drtax.ca/ufile/UF2014EGYH34UFGHYA23WHUS4/UFile2014.exe 2. Save it to your Desktop, then run (re-install) it from there.
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