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Everything posted by endrick

  1. What does Ufile do in this situation? I reported a T5, mark the field for JOINT ACCTs with ''50%'' and the forget to say ''YES'' on the question ''Do you wish to transfer the remainder to your spouse's tax return (if applicable)?'', what does Ufile do?? On my 2019 return I had in three instances forgotten to say ''YES'' and the result was that the program seemingly only reported 50 % on my income and dropped the other 50%, resulting in an incorrect combined total. There should be a safety check, if the field for the percentage box is not blank then the next question MUST be YES. I cannot see a situation where one would report interest and give a percentage to split with spouse and then not want to do so by leaving the next box blank. Or is there one?? Many thanks. I should add, the resulting transfer to CRA was exactly short by half the amount, but seemingly showed a refund on the total amount in print.
  2. ''It looks like some users are getting a SOAP error even though their return was successfully transmitted. The NETFILE module seems to be erroneously reporting the SOAP module as missing even though it’s not.'' Precisely. When can we expect this to be fixed? Thanks
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