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  1. Result:14 Your account is locked. If you need assistance, please contact us but I can log in to my CRA account .
  2. In the UFILE software, my NEFILE was rejected, and I could not submit it successfully, and the CRA phone could not be answered after waiting for a long time. I plan to print paper documents from UFILE and mail them to CRA. I want to know whether the mailed declaration document is "Download PDF" or "Federal Print" in the UFILE software. Which document should I print?
  3. “您已经表明这是破产前的申报表。请删除所选的财务数据(SFD)报表。它们不应与破产前的申报表一起发送。” 这是什么意思?我在哪里表明 我破产了?我再也没有申请过破产保护。你能告诉我答案吗?非常感谢
  4. I have been rejected on Netfile with the code 15. Can anyone help me find what that is. thanks
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