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UFile didn't submit my taxes although I did them online and have a hard copy of them

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Hello Moe707,

UFIle does not send the tax file for you and the payment will not trigger the NETFILE.  You must NETFIE the tax return yourself, using UFIle. 

Once you NETFILE your return (Tab 5), the CRA will issue a confirmation number after it does a preliminary check and accepts  your return. The confirmation number is then displayed on your screen.  IF accessing at a later date It should be displayed (if NetFile was successful) :
>> Federal   [ ] File Accepted   <- - - Double Click
The tax return was successfully transmitted to the CRA on:
 Month / Day/Year/Time
The confirmation number is:
**Note you must NetFile each family member and require a separate confirmation for each family member.
**Please note that the UFile payment confirmation is different from the CRA NetFile confirmation.  UFIle can not NetFile the return, you (the client)  must NetFile from the above Tab 5.


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