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I Need Help with Tax Return Submission and Error Code Issue


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Hello everyone😊

I am having some problems uploading my tax return through UFile; and I am hoping someone here can help me fix it. I have been working with UFile for a few years; but this is the first time I have encountered these specific issues; and I am not sure what to do next.

I finished my 2023 tax return; entered all of the relevant information income; deductions; credits, etc. and double checked it for accuracy. All of my data appears to be input correctly, and there are no obvious errors that I can detect. But when I attempt to submit my return electronically via UFile's NETFILE service; I receive an error code and a message stating that my return cannot be completed. I am getting Error Code 1832.

I completed research on the error code but was unable to discover an absolute fix. The notification suggests that one of the forms or fields is not working properly, but it is unclear which one. I researched the most frequent validation form concerns but could not find anything that looked to apply to my situation.

I have already tried to deal with the issue:

  • Everything appears to be correct; including SIN; address; and date of birth.
  • I have double checked that all income forms T4, T5, etc. are correctly completed and match my records.
  • I made sure that I am using the most recent version of the software.
  • This does not appear to have any effect on the error.
  • Just in case there was a server-side issue with NETFILE.

The issue remains, and I'm not sure where to go next. I tried contacting UFile support but have yet to receive a response, so I am hoping that someone in the community has had a similar problem and knows how to analyze this further.

Has anyone else seen Error Code 1832 and a similar submission issue? If so, how did you resolve it? Is there a specific form or field that I should look into further, and is it something else entirely that is causing the error? Any advice and guidance would be highly appreciated; I am approaching the due date for filing and need to resolve this as soon as possible.

Also I explored some topics related to this https://community.ufile.ca/topic/22601-cannot-netfile-because-you-cannot-currently-netfile-the-salesforceadmintraining-federal-return-please-review-the-following-reasons-and-make-corrections-when-possible/ but I did not get the sufficient solution of my query so I would really want to get some help from a more experienced person

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can provide🥰




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Hello Oaklyn,

Please contact our customer support by filling in the form at the following link.


We have searched for your previous request and could not find any. Did you use a different email ?

Our customer support will be able to assist you with the issue you have reported.   We will require an anonymous coy of your file to do so.

Thank you for your understanding.

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