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Posts posted by quarry

  1. Hi everyone,


    Thanks overtaxed58 and Hollerith for the comments and suggestions - appreciate the input.


    I've been working with UFile support on this issue. It turns out - for my issue - the software is working as expected. It took a bit of figuring out with the support team, but they discovered that the line item that wasn't being included was outside of my 12 month period by one day. Once I changed the 12 month period to start (and end) a day earlier, things were fine.


    Maybe consider this an informal feature enhancement request... do some validation on the date entries before allowing them to be saved. :)


    Thanks all.

  2. Thanks for the response, Gabriel. I've made sure to follow your instructions exactly for troubleshooting purposes - still getting the same issue. The specifics:


    • I have 29 lines on the medical expenses form on the Interview tab.
    • These 29 lines total to $3873.25. I've added them up in MS Excel and two calculators. I've also copied them line by line from the form and totalled them.
    • The amount on the Results tab is $3718.25, which is a difference of $155.00.
    • $155.00 is the amount of the first line on the list.

    An interesting data point is that it doesn't matter what I change that first line to - I can change it to whatever random number I choose ($255.00, $1444.25, or $1.30) - the Results total is still $3718.25. This tells me that the first line isn't being included in the total for some reason. :)


    I'll go ahead and email the support team at the address you provided. I appreciate the help.

  3. Some further information...


    The top line in the medical expenses list is not being included on the Results tab. I've been doing further testing over the weekend, and no matter what I change the top line amount to, the total in the Results never changes.


    Seems like an issue with the way UFile is calculating this total.

  4. Hi all - hoping for some input from the community (or ideally from the technical team...).


    I'm getting a discrepancy between the medical expense totals in ufile (line 330 on the results tab) and what's actually on the Medical Expenses form in my interview. I thought I either missed something or added another line somewhere. I've entered them in line by line - several times - and still come up with the same discrepancy. The odd thing is, the difference between the two is exactly the amount of one of the lines on my interview; like it wasn't included in the total on the results tab.


    I've been poring over this all night and can't figure out what's up. Hoping it's not just the late hour... if I find the solution staring at me in the morning, I'll be a bit embarrassed. :)



    Any ideas? Please let me know if I can provide more details.



    Thanks in advance and have a great weekend!



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