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Posts posted by wheeler

  1. magically working again.... for now... betting its a server related traffic issue and timing out on a refresh data  update thus throwing an exception.

    raise prices, run more lean on your data center infrastructure, increase your bottom line.

    i get it. only one laughing is the CEO of ufile.

  2. was just getting to the bulk of the difficult part of my return by entering the onslaught of T5008 entries, second entry in i get this same internal exception stupid error.

    this now adds to my previous issue two years ago when ufile incorrectly calculated an optimization which double claimed deductions on both mine and my wife's making me owe based on a software error. I know its buried in the T's and C's of the software but between that flub and this glitch and the terrible load time with ufile this is seriously going backwards from how this software used to perform. 

    maybe log in later this week and it will work since i'm guaranteed to not see a response any sooner. only thing worse than paying trudeau is dealing with half baked software. Have all year to test it and break it and still don't get it. even the damn attachment button in the message post doesn't work. unbelievable. 



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