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Posts posted by Entrobert

  1. My 17 year old son started his college studies in 2023 and got some of his RESP money from his bank account. 

    UFile says that I'm not eligible for the NETFILE federal return because "You have to confirm that your eligible dependant's net income is NIL. Click here."

    So, should I confirm ? His 042 / RL1-O is not considereded an income ?


    You cannot currently NETFILE the federal return. Please review the following reasons, and make corrections when possible. If an (*) appears at the end of an explanation below, it denotes a NETFILE exclusion (i.e. the return cannot be transmitted).

     You have to confirm that your eligible dependant's net income is NIL. Click here.

    Capture d’écran 2024-04-27 171024.jpg

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