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Everything posted by TheTaxSmith

  1. Yes it's frustrating calling CRA. Although the penalties for not submitting a T1135 by the deadline are severe you will have no problems in getting CRA to accept the submission based on what you have records of. I believe it is a CRA situation and not Ufile. Confirmation numbers come from CRA and not Ufile.
  2. If you are set up to access your file online with CRA I would suggest you do that and look to see if all is OK. Sending the file a second time will result in an error if it had been sent and received earlier.
  3. In the dependent's interview section there is a drop down box for eligible dependent. Response is either yes or no. If you have 2 or more dependents the claim will only be for one. In a future year you would respond again to that question. If you select No there will be no claim. So no need to delete the dependent's file and set it up should you be eligible for the claim in future.
  4. Look carefully at the selections for T4s. You will see one for working in Quebec with QPP deductions and another for CPP deductions. Select the correct slip that matches the slips you received.
  5. Unused carry forward amounts, as mentioned by thetut, will also include any unused donations being carried over from the deceased's final return. They are commonly overlooked and forgotten. The unused balance can be claimed by the surviving spouse if needed or just carried forward in their return.
  6. Make sure you did not check the no income box for your dependent in the initial interview page for your dependent. If you did some selections will not be available.
  7. I believe you are referring to a T2125 form. Here is a link to the form you need and the guide T4002. You should read the guide to become familiar with what you can claim on the T2125. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/t2125.html
  8. What is your personal use of the home and the appliances? What is the purchase date? Did you enter anything in the box for CCA limit?
  9. Depends on your RRSP limit. If it is higher than that 15k then it is likely. But if your 2022 income is higher and you are in a higher tax bracket you may want to wait.
  10. You need to complete a T3012A form. Don't just withdraw it. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/making-withdrawals/withdrawing-unused-contributions.html
  11. You would be best to call CRA. Looks like it got filed based on what you posted.
  12. How about it folks. I keep reposting responses that are easily found by doing a search. Look for the magnifying glass up near the top right. Before we had that search feature there were librarians (actual people) that taught you how to search all those books for answers. Today it's much easier and more fun (you may not have encountered some of those librairians I did). Give it a try.
  13. Just to clarify. Did you charge HST for those two contracts above your fees or did your fees include the HST? If it included the HST then you enter what you received as per the quick method.
  14. Look for a Box 42 and read this https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capital-dividend.asp#:~:text=A capital dividend%2C also called,paid from the company's earnings.
  15. You don't. It's 50/50. You can transfer your ownership to your spouse on a tax free basis but make it legal. You don't get to decide who claims the income each year when ownership is what it is.
  16. In the year of death the pension split is determined on a prorated basis. Male sure the date of death is entered correctly. See the following. https://www.advisor.ca/columnists_/wilmot-george/can-a-surviving-spouse-split-her-income-with-her-deceased-spouse/#:~:text=In brief%2C up to 50,spouse or common-law partner.
  17. You can if you amend all those previous year's returns. That would involve claiming CCA for each year in those returns. But using CCA will only reduce rental income to zero each year. If you had a loss without CCA you can't claim CCA to increase that loss.
  18. Add the unused to the first 60 days contribution and you will now have an overcontrbution.
  19. Did you claim CCA in past years on your rental statement?
  20. There is no such thing as a catch up for CCA. You need to set up a CCA schedule for the rental property based on the acquisition costs. You also need to separate the land from the building. You can't claim CCA on the land. Do a search on this site for rental ACB. In your case you need to enter the cost as the UCC opening balance since you purchased it in a prior year.
  21. It is just letting you know that you have contributed more than the limit, that's all. You can overcontibute by $2,000 and all is ok. After that there could be penalties. The overcontribution gets carried to next year. It will not prevent the file from being netfiled.
  22. Try using 10% of the purchase cost. CRA has in the past used that for condos. Put the acquisitions costs in now, it makes your life and filing easier for the future. Enter it as a CCA schedule. Class 1 and a Class for land which is at the bottom of the CCA class list.
  23. And the challenge begins. We have a warrior looking at a quest. Come on people let's solve this.
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