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Posts posted by lextaxano

  1. If you are using Windows, one possible reason for the inability to connect to the CRA server is an inaccurate time/date/time-zone. The TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection will quietly fail in the background if the local time or date is wrong. This happens to me quite frequently for some reason, and I just need to adjust my local date/time/time-zone on Windows.

    Note that the error about being unable to connect is different than the long connection delays. I'm having trouble with the latter; will try again later to see if there is a loading problem on the CRA server.

  2. I ran into this same issue just now and tried the hotspot technique -- that didn't work. What solved it for me was adjusting the time and time zone properly on Windows. For some reason Windows often comes up with the wrong time-zone, hence the local time is incorrect. If the inaccurate local adjusted time is used in various cryptography algorithms, the negotiation with the CRA servers will fail. 

    For me, I just right-clicked the time/date in the status bar, forced a sync with the time server and forced a sync of the time-zone. CRA download then worked perfectly.

    Hope this helps others.

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