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  1. I filled out my 2023 tax info in UFile this weekend, but have not yet submitted. It appears that I've overcontributed to my RRSPs by about $4,700 (or by about $2,700 if I ignore my Jan and Feb 2024 contributions). I have not submitted my return to the CRA through UFile just yet. From what I'm reading online, I need to complete a T1-OVP-S 2023 Simplified Individual Tax Return for RRSP, PRPP and SPP Excess Contributions form and submit it to the CRA. My question is: Can I choose not to include the Jan and Feb 2024 contributions for the 2023 tax year? (not that it gets me below my contribution limit, but still...) Does UFile handle the overcontribution process? (i.e. the T1-OVP-S part) If UFile cannot handle the above, can I still submit my 2023 tax return through UFile and send the T1-OVP-S separately in the mail? Or do I need to submit everything together (i.e. I have to abandon my UFile submission for the 2023 tax year and submit through the regular mail or through H&R Block, etc.)
  2. I received a T10 - Pension adjustment reversal form for 2021, but I'm not sure where to enter this info within UFILE online. Does anyone know where I can enter this?
  3. My partner and I were both working from home last year. I intend to submit the "detailed" version of T777S for myself as I believe it covers things such as electricity, water, internet expenses and so on. I will be claiming 100% of those expenses myself whereas my spouse will not (although she was also working from home). With the scenario described above, can my spouse submit her working from home expenses using the temporary flat rate method? Or must she use the "detailed" T777S method as well? Or should she not claim any working from home expenses since I will be claiming all the utilities?
  4. I also have the same issue today.
  5. I have the same issue. I already started my 2021 return, but normally it automatically adds a tab for my spouse and my two dependents. That did not happen this year.
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