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Posts posted by PaulB246

  1. Thanks for your reply. I did purchase a promotion that you sent me in February. Silly me for thinking you would send me something that was in my best interest and making everything clear from the get-go. Had I bought it at Staples, I'd be paying half!

    I'll see if I'll fork over the extra $16.80 or simply mail in their returns as they are not very complicated. It won't break my bank either way, but you just lost a long-standing customer. Not the best way to run a business. 

    • Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer.
    • Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%.
    • The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.
  2. Ok, so I was told I only purchased the Family Head without dependents. I didn't even know I could actually do that! This is the fourth (and last) year that I've used this service. You guys should know by now what my profile is. I followed a link that you emailed to me that was supposed to save me 15%. Instead I am now forced to end up paying a whopping 31% more than I did last year. For the same number of returns!! 

    For 2022 I paid $38.36 for me, my wife and 2 dependants (all in).

    Now, the deceptive marketing and misleading use of "Family Head" will cost me $33.57 + $16.80 = $50.37  or a 31% increase over last year.

    To add insult to injury, you can purchase the software at Staples for about half of what I am now being forced to pay and even have an additional 4 of low income (which my dependants are). Also, only informing the user after all information is entered and time is already invested is not very fair; I feel as though I am held hostage.

    Shame on you for price-gouging long-standing customers by using deceptive marketing and ambiguous terms. Your message of paying for Family Head's File (which I did) and not dependants shows that there was a change in the definition and this message was not updated. 

    I will be posting this on Reddit and other forums (an email to Rob Carrick?) as well to warm others of these deceptive techniques.

    Additional Fees.png

    uFile - message.png




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