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Error: You entered CPP contributions on a T4 but reported QPP pensionable earnings.


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Hello AlexP. Just to clarify. Do you have only a T4 from the Feds that shows the province of work as other than Quebec? You may have an Rl1 slip from the Feds showing Quebec tax deducted as well as your taxable medical benefit but that would be all that's on it.

Also if you work for the Feds in Quebec they are deducting QPP not CPP.

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Thanks for the reply!

So I have a T4 and RL1 from the feds on my part time job and a separate T4 and RL1 from my main job.


On the federal T4 and RL1 it shows CPP contributions only. Then on my main job of course QPP. My federal job has me stationed in Quebec. I’ve been filing for years with this federal job but only last year started working at this new job which contributes to the QPP.

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Good morning AlexP. If you work in Quebec your employer is deducting and contributing to the QPP. To clarify this I suggest you speak with your payroll department. The problem is you have entered amounts for the Fed T4 as CPP. Switch those to QPP and the error will go away. Also if you don't live in Quebec make sure you have entered the province of employment in the T4 data entry area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem. I live in Quebec and work in Quebec for the federal gov. All my collegues in the same situation have the same T4/RL1 issue. I am getting the "You entered CPP contributions on a T4 but reported QPP pensionable earnings" netfile error. After seeing this post I did enquire my pay office to fix this and they said they dont fix this and the 2 govs will simply transfer funds based on the filing. The federal government really did pay CPP and so they reported so on my T4 and RL1. Not sure why this is an error.

How can I fix the problems so that I can file my taxes.

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  • 11 months later...

Good day,

I have the same exact problem, and I'm using the "T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid (RL-1) with CPP contributions" slip that should cover my situation. My RL-1 has box G " Pensionable Earnings QPP" that says 0.00, but I have nowhere to input it on the T4/RL-1 slip in UFile.

How do I bypass this so that I can Netfile? RQ and CRA will transfer the amounts anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Any further reply? I have the same error and cant file using netfile.

i work in the feds and live in quebec. 
initally work was based in ON but later in the year moved to quebec. I have 2x T4 and one RL1

any insights on how to proceed? 

Thx in advance

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  • 1 year later...

Same problem. Resident of Quebec, 1 T4 worked in Ontario and one worked in Quebec. 1 RL1 that seems to be used for both T4s. Getting the following errors: 

You entered QPP contributions on a T4 but reported CPP pensionable earnings. 

You entered CPP contributions on a T4 but reported QPP pensionable earnings.

How do I file as information entered seems correct? 


Thank you

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