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NETFILE for New PR in canada


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  • Aryan changed the title to NETFILE for New PR in canada
1 minute ago, Nawal said:

Hi @Aryan, you can netfile to the CRA if you are already registered to "MyAccount". If you are a Quebec resident, you will have to paper file your Quebec return.

Thanks for your reply, I am in Ontario. If I understand it correctly to have MyAccount I need to have filed last year's tax return, correct? However, since I came to Canada in 2020 I do not have a tax return filed for 2019. So in this case I cannot Netfile?

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2 minutes ago, Nawal said:

Hi @Aryan, yes, if this is your first return, you can netfile if you have a valid Social Insurance Number.

Hello @Nawal,

So I do not need to open a My Account just enter my sin in UFILE and it will allow me to NETFILE? Sorry for asking may be obvious questions but I don't know this process. Thansk in Advance.

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1 hour ago, Nawal said:



I completed my taxes in Ufile and when I went to submit to CRA this appeared.


March 15, 2021 5:14 PM
The 't1rq:FileReturnRequest' start tag on line 1 position 191 does not match the end tag of 't1:T1Return'. Line 1, position 981.
How do I resolve this issue?
Thank you,
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I completed my taxes in Ufile and when I went to submit to CRA this appeared.


March 15, 2021 5:14 PM
The 't1rq:FileReturnRequest' start tag on line 1 position 191 does not match the end tag of 't1:T1Return'. Line 1, position 981.
How do I resolve this issue?
Thank you,
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