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Capital Gain or Loss Resulting from Buy and Sell of Publiclly Held Shares


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I have about 50 trades to report on Schedule 3. Would I have to report each buy/sell trade or I can somehow report the final total of the summary of proceeds of disposition, ACB, outlays and expenses, and gain/loss? And, attach the excel sheet as a support or retain for review by the CRA when required?

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Thank you so much for your reply/help. However, I have difficulty in completing the Sch 3, which requires the reporting of the date of acquisition, date of disposition, number of shares, and description, etc.

If I use the summary total from the excel sheet, how would I able to enter the above information for a total amount? That is my issue. And, would I be able to attached the excel sheet to the UFile return, or simply retain in the file in case the CRA wants to review it. Please guide. Thanks.

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