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Dividend Tax Credit on eligible dividends is incorrectly calculated and then pg 6 of the tax return becomes full of errors

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In the Interview section there is a tab Dividends Paid. In that screen has only two boxes. Dividends Paid and Eligible Dividends Paid. It could not be any clearer. Unfortunately the program then proceeds to calculate the DTC based on the difference between Dividends paid and the Eligible Dividends paid and not the actual eligible dividends paid. 

The e-mail help line cannot seem to understand the issue. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you get it resolved?

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Well I finally figured it out. First leave the line Dividends paid previous year in the GRIP calculation blank. Then go to Corporate History and open 1st Prior year. Enter all the required fields and input only Refundable dividend tax on hand at the end of the previous tax year. Then the DTC is correct. Unfortunately the sch 53 is now wrong as there is no line 300 filled in. Support says to file it in on the History screen but there is no place to input Dividend paid prior year. Any ideas?

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This is hard to believe but the program cannot generate a correct Sch 53 nor 55. To quote "This is a limitation of the program" The solution,  netfile with the correct DTC but the incorrect SCh 53 & 55. Then go back into the program and in the Interview complete the GRIP form including Dividends paid previous year and now SCH 53 &55 will be correct. Print these forms. Then get CRA to give you a case number and electronically send in the amended schedules. I sure hope this gets fixed for next year and I do not have to spend three weeks of back and forth via emails to finally get my T2 correct and only then with a manual intervention.

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