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Hi All,


My wife has a spousal RRSP account under her name , and I made contribution to this spousal RRSP.

I received a tax receipt. On the receipt, the annuitant is my wife, and the contributor is me. 


In Ufile interview section -> RRSP contributions -> Under my name tab

In section "Contributions you made to your spouse's RRSP" , I entered $8000


However in the final review, this $8000 is still deducted from my own contribution room. (which leads me go over the RRSP contibution limit)

On my wife's review, her RRSP contribution room is not changed (where I expect her room will reduce by $8000 because of my contribution)


This looks like a bug of Ufile to me.


Thanks for your help!



Edit: seems my understanding of spousal RRSP is wrong. It should deduct from my own limit: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/contributing-a-rrsp-prpp/contributing-your-spouse-s-common-law-partner-s-rrsps.html




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