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Part of my wife’s pension income has been incorrectly reported as the “elected split-pension amount” (line 11600 and 31400) on my tax return.


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Part of my wife’s pension income has been incorrectly reported as the “elected split-pension amount” (line 11600 and 31400) on my tax return.  Neither of us is 65 years old, so we cannot split pension income.


How can we stop UFile from including this incorrect “elected split-pension amount”?

Thanks, Rick

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You may want to consider this first before deciding to not split the pension.

"For those under age 65, the most common form of eligible income is from a registered company pension plan, whether defined benefit or defined contribution. Individuals who are age 55 or older are eligible to split pension income with their spouses."   https://raymerfinancial.com/when-can-pension-income-splitting-make-sense/

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My wife is retired and receiving pension income, but I'm still working and not yet receiving pension income.  My income is considerably higher than hers.  Sharing her (smaller) income with my (higher) income is counter productive from a tax perspective.

Are there settings somewhere in UFile to stop it from splitting her pension income with me?

Thanks, Rick

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In Interview setup, go to Pension income, click on the blue arrow and select Split pension income. But you should test the pension split and compare the total family tax with the split versus without. I suspect you will be better off with the split. The pension split takes into consideration a lot of deductions such as medical and can significantly benefit a couple even when income gets added to the higher income earner. Do the comparative test.

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Thank you @TheTaxSmith, the controls for pension income splitting were right where you said they would be.  Also, the comparison of splitting pension income vs. not splitting it, did result in a larger refund when splitting the pension income due to the tax credit for "Pension income amount".  

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  • 2 years later...

elected split-pension  was check on my return also and didn't notice it !! something new ?? and no it doesn't make sense to add it to the higher income !! also  tax return on netfile didnt show the right amount !!! ????

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