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Property tax not showing in Ontario trillium benefit (OTB)- line 61020

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Hi everybody!

I have no explanation for the following problem:

In the Interview section under Ontario Tax Credits I applied for the Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC) (ON-BEN, line 61020) by choosing Yes in the box. I added the Declaration for property tax paid (owners) and answered all questions incl. amount of property tax paid and number of months you occupied this residence.

When checking the Tax Return (the pdf-file) no property tax shows on lines 21 resp, 23 in the Trillium calculation (page 1) under B - Estimated Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit (OEPTC).

I changed the application giving the full amount of property tax paid to my wife - she didn't work during 2021 and has no income for the same year - nothing changed. I (resp. my wife) meet the eligibility requirements for both: Energy component and Property tax component as listed in the help file.

Where did this amount disappear?


Thank you for answering!

Yes, I did. I mentioned it in my first post - I answered with "Yes" the question "Do you want to apply for the 2022 OEPTC? (ON-BEN, line 61020)?"

The rest of the questions I answered wit NO.

The bottom question "Who should receive the OTB?" I answered with "Let MaxBack decide".




I completed:

1. Application for the 2022 Ontario Trillium Benefit and the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant (ON-BEN). I applied for the Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC), selecting "Yes" in the box.

2.ON-BEN - Declaration - Property tax paid for your principal residence: number of months you occupied this residence in 2021; amount of property tax paid for 2021; municipality payments were made to.

These are the 2 relevant schedules I found in the part called "Ontario tax credits".

P.S. I attached the ON-BEN portion of the generated Tax return (pdf) for reference: it shows no property tax paid (line 21) and no adjusted family net income (line 37) resp. no Tax Credit (OEPTC) at all.

In my wife's return this portion (OEPTC) doesn't exist.







I did everything from the beginning, double checking all boxes where "yes", "no" or "Let Max decide" is expected as an answer. The result came exactly the same. No property tax or energy tax components came out; the OTB-page in the Tax Return (pdf) is empty. I received the following warning at the end of the interview though - see attached.

And again: I went to the ON-BEN-Declaration pages, did everything as expected to no avail.

Where's the problem and why the program does not accept the property taxes amount?


Warning .jpg


I think I found the reason for my problem: since this is a family return my wife and myself both applied for Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) on the ON-BEN Aplication for tax credits page. For both the box was showing Yes. This is obviously wrong - the moment I unchecked the box in my wife's Interview (box empty), choose NO or simply deleted the ON-BEN application in my wife's Interview,  the Energy/Property credit (line 61020) appeared in my return and Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) have been calculated properly.

I believe this should be corrected by the program automatically - the moment the head of the family (or one of the family members) applies for ON-BEN tax credits in the interview, the other family member must receive a warning or not have the chance to apply at all.

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