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Receiving message "UFile cannot claim a deduction for the child care expenses you entered."


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My husband and I are filing separate tax returns, but I am the one with lower income, so I am claiming the childcare expenses. Because he is filing separately I am only listing his basic information on the spousal information page. His net income is included on that page. But when I try to file the taxes, UFile gives me a warning message saying:

"UFile cannot claim a deduction for the child care expenses you entered."

When I click on 'review information' from that warning it brings me back to the 'Spouse- basic information' page (NOT the childcare information page), so I'm thinking it may be related to my husband's info somehow. However, as far as I understand it, I cannot provide the full information for my spouse, as I don't want to file together... I did the exact same thing last year without any issues, but this year it gives me this warning. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

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