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Filing a Quebec tax return as non resident for tax purposes (living in Quebec for less than 183 days in 2022)

Jesse RJ

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In the process of completing my Quebec tax return for 2022 I am stumbling on figuring out the correct way to file.

Background info

  • Arrived in Quebec at the end of July 2022
  • Had foreign employment income from a country having a tax treating with Canada
  • living in Quebec for less than 183 days per tax year
  • obtained RAMQ coverage for 3 months in 2022
  • had child care expenses in Quebec in 2022

I am able to specify either:

  1. that I was a non resident of Quebec in the identification tab, however then all the pertinent forms relating to Quebec are not available. Under the Review tab I am not required then to pay any taxes for 2022 (great but doesn't seem correct)
  2. or I specify that am a resident of Quebec and must then pay:
  • Quebec drug prescription plan (this is of course acceptable)
  • QPIP premium on income from self-employment or employment outside Québec (I believe I do not have to pay this as I am not a resident of Quebec)

I called revenue Quebec and was instructed that I was a non resident and to do the following:

  • "Line 17, specify country of Residence"
  • "Line 18, specify date of arrival"
  • "Use Code 02 for reason for stay in Quebec: Short Time Stay"

This would apply to completing the tax forms manually. I do not know however how to enter the same information in UFile.

Question: Is there a way to specify using UFile a short term stay in Quebec?

Apologies if this question has been asked previously, I searched the forum but did not find a related question.

Many thanks in advance




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Hello Jesse RJ,

If you wish to enter a short term stay in Canada, then go to the "Interview" section and click on the  "Interview setup" in the left side column. 

On the "Interview setup" page, place a check mark next to "Immigrant, emigrant, non-resident taxpayer, you are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in the year".  Click on the little blue circle which takes you directly to the page.

On the "Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident " page select "You immigrated to Canada in 2022" .

On the "immigration to Canada" page, enter your date of entry and the reason for the arrival or departure should be "Temporary stay in Canada" .

Fill in the page according to your situation. 


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Thank you Maggie,

I was able to add the "immigrated to Canada in 2022" alongside the income earned before and during the time in Canada (my spouse for example earned her income before arriving in Quebec). Specifying the income earned before and during the stay in Canada does not appear to make a difference to the balance due calculation. Does this make sense or have I missed entering some information.

Many thanks

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Hello Jesse RJ,

The information you have provided is insufficient.  Whether or not your balance due changes depends on many factors in your and your spouse`s tax return. 

The original information you have provided is insufficient as well, We can only provide information to your direct questions.

(Example: Question: Is there a way to specify using UFile a short term stay in Quebec?).

Please refer to the following link to the CRA website, which may help you.


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