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Can't open Ufile 2014, missing mfc100d.dll


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I need previous tax return info from last year and I can't open Ufile 2014, it was showing message missing mfc100d.dll. I tried to reinstall/repair from original Ufile 2014 disc but its show error 1612.

Ufile 2015 open and working without any problem. I will appreciate any help.

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The problem is solved. I just received the solution from Aldaran (Thank you Aldaran!) from the Ufile support team. The instruction works great. I just posted it to help anybody with the same problem. Please see below.



Thank you for contacting UFILE support team.

The error 1612 can appear if you try to install the software, but it is already installed.

To remove UFile for Windows follow these instructions:

1.Go to "Start".

2. Go to "Settings".

3. Select "Control Panel".

4. In the "Control Panel", select "Programs and Features".

5. Locate UFile 20xx and click "Remove".

6. Locate UFile Updater 2014 and click "Remove".

In order to install UFile 2014, please follow these steps:

1. Download the latest UFile 20154 full installation from:


2. Save it to your Desktop, then run (re-install) it from there.


On behalf of the UFile Team

File ONLINE on time.

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