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cpp self employment error?


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im racking my brain trying to figure out what i need to change but i cant find anything that makes logical sens for this error i see another thread for this but no answer this is also through the online ufile website



You have CPP contributions on self-employment and other earnings with CPP contributions on employment income. The result of the CPP contributions payable on self-employment and other earnings of Schedule 8 is negative. You may have an overpayment. In this situation, the CRA does not want an amount on line 448 and wants to calculate it for you."


i have a day job so i have my t4 from it 

and run a hobby sound company on the side first time ever doing this sorta filling. i filled it to this T2125 - Business income witch i cant find any cpp related stuff  am i blind stupid??



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You will find the answer in your Schedule 8.

Go to Part 5, line 23.

You are probably in a situation of CPP overpayment.


CRA refuses to let a software calculate the overpayment.

They will advise you in your Notice of assessment.


You have nothing to change in your data.

The diagnostic is there to warn you about the situation.

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I have the same error message below and I have self-employment and employment income as well.


"You have CPP contributions on self-employment and other earnings with CPP contributions on employment income. The result of the CPP contributions payable on self-employment and other earnings of Schedule 8 is negative. You may have an overpayment. In this situation, the CRA does not want an amount on line 448 and wants to calculate it for you."


I don't understand Bretonix' answer quoted below.


So there's nothing I can fix in the data entered and I have to file a paper return?


Or is there something I could do to leave line 448 blank? I can't figure out how to leave it blank. Or should I leave boxes 16 and 26 blank in my T4s so that CRA will calculate line 448 itself? This is just something I'm speculating after reading another post (https://secure.drtax.ca/ufile/2008/help/hf_448.htm).







You will find the answer in your Schedule 8.

Go to Part 5, line 23.

You are probably in a situation of CPP overpayment.


CRA refuses to let a software calculate the overpayment.

They will advise you in your Notice of assessment.


You have nothing to change in your data.

The diagnostic is there to warn you about the situation.



"You have CPP contributions on self-employment and other earnings with CPP contributions on employment income. The result of the CPP contributions payable on self-employment and other earnings of Schedule 8 is negative. You may have an overpayment. In this situation, the CRA does not want an amount on line 448 and wants to calculate it for you."

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