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RRSP Spousal Error


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Has anyone come across the issue where RRSP Schedule p1 has entries for Spousal plan when there is no spouse on the tax file?   I'm single so have no idea how those numbers came to be.


Ufile seem to have taken my Line (B) number from my notice of assessment and entered it twice (once for me, and once for a spouse).  I could not understand why I was getting an over contribution warning until I looked at the actual tax return forms and noticed this mysterious entry.  I went back to my 2014 Ufile which I imported and there was no issue back then.  


Not sure how to correct that.



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When RRSP undeducted contributions are accepted into the Interview they are recorded correctly as "Undeducted contributions"


Unfortunately they are also recorded incorrectly as "Undeducted contributions you made to your spouse's" (plan)


When the taxpayer is without a spouse these erroneous contributions are hidden as there is no section Contributions you made to your spouse's RRSP.


Corrective procedure

Open your file

1) Change your marital status

 - access your "Identification" page

 - change your Marital status for "Married" or "Common-law spouse"

 - click Next

2) Erase the erroneous contributions

 - access your "RRSP contributions, limits" page

    the section "Contributions you made to your spouse's RRSP" is visible

 - erase all "Undeducted contributions you made to your spouse's"

3) Re-instate your marital status

- access your Identification page

 - change your Marital status back to what it was

 - click Next

4) Save your file


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