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Confirming that spouse amount is nil Error


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My spouse and I both have income. When I review, I get an error message on his account saying we can't netfile (can't anyway because Vista) because I have to "confirm in the MaxBack controls page of the family head file (mine, not his), that the spouse or partner amount on line 498 of sCHEDULE 1-A is NIL." when i go there, we can both claim the spousal amount and I just can't clear that error.


I can't netfile anyway, until I do the whole g-d thing over again on the Mac online or something, so how do I clear this error?

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Yes I have the same issue... I choose yes and save it and still get the same error message... than I went back choose no and again I get the same message....ridiculous.....


as I see not much help from UFile admins... I have anther issue and doesn't look like they reading these pages.... very disappointed.... :(

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The questions pertaining to Schedule 1-A - Family tax cut are always in the Controls page of the "Family Head".

All you have to do is to select "Yes" for the question pertaining to the line(s) mentionned in the Messages diagnostic(s).


You must also select "Yes" to confirm that you had a child under the age of 18.

The child must be in the family file.


Note that these questions have been imposed on all software developers by CRA.

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