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Releve 1 in Quebec cannot be entered if working in Ontario


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How in the world does one enter a Releve 1 if you live in Quebec but work in Ontario?


There's no option that I can find. Everything says you must enter that you work in Quebec on the R1.


I work for the federal government in Ontario and live in Quebec and they issue us an R1 which is for the health benefits.


Thanks for any help.

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As you work in Ontario and reside in Quebec you received:

 - one T4 slip with ON in Box 10

 - one Relevé 1 with your benefits taxable in Quebec.


1) T4 slip

In the T4 and employment income section

 - select "T4 income earned outside Quebec"


2) Relevé 1 (RL-1)

In the T4 and employment income section

 - select "T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions"

Enter the data as follows:

 - Box A - as per your RL-1

 - Box E - as per your RL-1 (there is an amount if you asked to have Quebec tax withheld)

 - Box 56 (RL-1 Box I) - 0.00

 - Box 28 - Exempt CPP/QPP

 - Box J - as per your RL-1

All other boxes should be blank.


In the Review / Messages section you will see warnings related to taxable benefits and RL-1 Box 211.

Ignore them.

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