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Other capital gain history


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I have been using UFile for years. This year I have a capital loss due to the sale of shares.

Example; Under "Other capital gain history; Other capital gains (losses)" I see - 2009 (a loss), 2013 gain, 2015 gain, 2018 gain. 

While filing this 2019 return I have a (loss).

How do I interpret the Schedule 3 capital gains loss history page. Is this the page that shows how UFile processed the gains and losses? I also see the carry forward page of my loss in this Schedule 3.

I have been searching and have yet to find an answer to whether UFile automatically applies the capital loss to any years we had capital gains, as modest as they may be. 

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Perhaps you can help me decipher the tax return.

As I review my tax return Capital Gains History (Federal) Page 1 there are columns that indicate years and values as shown in attached snag.

Across from the specified years in the columns;

other; net taxable capital gains; ineligible; capital losses of previous years used 

there are values with a total along the bottom of each of the above columns. What does that represent? Is it showing that UFile applied the losses to the gains automatically? 



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P.S. Thank you however I had seen the snag for the interview set up but I don't understand how it applies to my capital loss this year as the previous years are only modest gains.

Simply asking, will UFile manage all this automatically?

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