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  1. There is a distinct entry in UFile for a Federal Business number "Federal account number" and "GST registration number of your business" Also the message below is generated by UFile as a reminder to users that if your gross sales exceeded $30,000 you are required by law to become a GST registrant and remit and collect GST/HST (QST, PST) on the sale of your goods and services. As it is also publicly noted on the CRA web site: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/gst-hst-businesses/when-register-charge.html I trust this clarifies matters. Best regards, George Hiotis, Manager - QA
  2. If she had no income in 2022 then you would add her as a zero-income dependent spouse in your UFile file and UFile will claim the spousal amount on your behalf. Next year for 2023 you can carry-forward your file which will also effectively carry-forward her information and enter her regular CPP on her data entry page under the slip T4A(P).
  3. @Gmanmontreal Hi please note UFile is for the do-it-yourself taxpayer. If you seek help from a professional than please make sure the person is using UFile Pro and is registered for EFile. The CRA requires people that help others preparer taxes to be EFILE registrants. There are also several YouTube videos on the UFile site and others that can help you in this respect. [George Hiotis, Manager of QA UFile]
  4. @Zaxx There is a 2 year comparative for every version of UFile. I am not certain why it did not work for you or Rudy. I would ultimately have to walk you through it. Also, I am the Manager of QA in UFile. Having tested the procedure provided to Rudy over 3,000 times I am confident it works.
  5. The only way this can occur is if you are not taxable and UFile carry-forwards the donations automatically. Ordinarily, you can carry-forward donations for 5 years if you do not require them in the year you've made them. If this is not the case then please reach out to our support dept. and provide an anonymized copy of your return through our help page. Best, George Hiotis QA Manager UFile. ca
  6. Hi there, on your dependant's "Dependant ID" page there is a question "Did this dependant have any income in 2021" be sure to answer "Yes", then go to the interview setup and check the "Self-employment" box and click on the [Next] button. This should allow you to enter his business income. Hope this helps. George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  7. Hi Robert, if a T5 Slip was issued to your name without your SIN on it you should contact the CRA to ensure they have it on your account. The only place in UFile where you need to report your SIN is on the identification page of your interview. Best, George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  8. G-Hiotis


    Please reach out to our support dept. ASAP - thank you George Hiotis, QA Manager UFile.ca
  9. Hi Brian, please check to see if you have any donations carry-forward. Otherwise, do not hesitate to reach out to our support desk and provide an anonymized copy of your return so we can examine it. Best - George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  10. Hi UFile uses a sophisticated iteration routine to determine how to best allocate medical expenses and donations between two spouses. Yes, there is a rule of thumb whereby it is usually best if the lower income spouse claims the medical expenses since they are reduced by the lesser of 3% of net income or $2,421 (for 2021) and the higher income spouse claims the donations. However, there are always exceptions to this rule and items like the dividend tax credit, foreign tax credit, and AMT can alter the scenario. If you would be kind enough to provide our support dept. with an anonymized copies of your returns via the help support page then we can analyze your returns further to see what exactly is happening in your file. Best regards, George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  11. Hi only fields with the Maple Leaf / QC symbol can be overridden for QC. Like this one If there isn't such a symbol an override can't be made in UFile. If you could provide support with the exact nature of the type of income you are trying to claim federally that is not taxable in QC we can try to assist you further. Best, George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  12. Dans la configuration de l'entrevue, sélectionnez "Revenus de pension, revenus d'autres sources et fractionnement dû revenu de pension, prestation pour la COVID-19 (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032 ), et cliquez sur le bouton bleu [Suivant]. Sur l'écran de gauche, cliquez sur « T4A et revenus de pension ». Sélectionnez la première option "T4A - Revenus de pension, retraite, de loyer et d'autres sources (prestation pour la COVID-19) Dans la page T4A faites défiler jusqu'à "AUTRES RENSEIGNEMENTS... Code 28...". Dans le menu déroulant, sélectionnez le code approprié [201] et entrez le montant. Merci beaucoup George Hiotis Gestionnaire de l'AQ ImpôtExpert.ca
  13. Steve B at UFile we do support our clients 100% for no extra charge. You should definitely contact our support and provide a copy of your notice of assessment and an anonymized copy of your return (UFile does this for you through the help request form). Throughout my years of practice I've seen errors made with all parties involved, nobody is perfect. Professormom, you shouldn't penalize yourself by filing a paper return. The worst that can happen is that the CRA will ask you for your receipts for any expenses/deductions claimed which you should always keep a record/copy of. I've made a video about what to do if things do not go as planned for your filing here: Kind regards - George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  14. The assets mentioned in your first point are depreciable assets (value lasts more than one year). You may enter them as Class 8 assets and claim them over time. You need to enter them as 'cost of additions'. The fees mentioned in point 2 & 3 are usually amortized over the course of 5 years except the land transfer fee. For a complete list list of other items that are not deductible please see page 20 and 21 of the rental guide found here: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/formspubs/pub/t4036/t4036-21e.pdf George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
  15. Actually we helped one client that had a similar issue and succeeded by changing internet provider. Essentially, she used her phone as hotspot to connect to the internet and then returned to her regular ISP and everything worked. If you need help please reach out to our support dept. ASAP. George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca
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