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Question with Adding Spouse on Tax Return


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Hi there!


I have a question regarding ufile filing with "add spouse" section. In that section, I can fill out her net income, personal information, and so forth.


I also notice that on the payment page, I have to pay both my tax return and her tax return. Does that mean I am also submitting tax return on her behalf? Or does she have to submit it again on her own?


Sorry if it is confusing, as we have just got married and I don't really understand how it works. I thought we all would have to submit it by ourselves? Then why do I have to pay for her portion on Ufile? I tried to do google searches but didn't find any answer. Some people say you have to do separate returns, some people says that you can do coupled returns. I don't know which one is correct.


Thank you in advance and have a good day

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14 minutes ago, Nawal said:

Hi @Ringworm990, you choose to file together or separately, but still as a married couple. If you file together, Ufile will ask an amount for each return and you can be sure to get the most out of all the tax credits and deductions that you’re entitled to as a couple. If you file separately, you will still be considered as married. You have to make the choice.

Hi Nawai,


Thank you for your quick response. I have added my spouse to my file, input her income and so forth. In the end on the payment page, I can pay for my tax return and her tax return as well. Does that mean that I am filing our return together? Which means she doesn't have to do it anymore?

Sorry for lots of questions. I am just kinda confused and wanted to make sure to do it right.



Thanks again for your help!

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