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does ufile offer support if reassessed by the CRA and now you owe money

steve b

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I used ufile and followed the instructions and filed.

the CRA has reassessed my return and says i owe now. I have filed a formal dispute with the CRA, which they have ignored and sent notice they are now sending my account to collections

Is ufile responsible for the error that created the change after the reassessment and/or will ufile contact the CRA to help in the dispute

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  • 1 month later...

This happened to me, but I sent CRA what they claimed I owed. I contacted UFILE support and they asked me to send them my return which I did. They sent me an email with the math showing I was right and CRA wrong. I sent CRA the email and received the amount I sent plus interest, but with a note to be sure to count the interest on the next year's return. I have now been "reviewed" four years out of five and proved my return correct every time. The only year I was not reviewed I sent a paper return and plan to do that from now on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve B at UFile we do support our clients 100% for no extra charge. You should definitely contact our support and provide a copy of your notice of assessment and an anonymized copy of your return (UFile does this for you through the help request form). Throughout my years of practice I've seen errors made with all parties involved, nobody is perfect.

Professormom, you shouldn't penalize yourself by filing a paper return. The worst that can happen is that the CRA will ask you for your receipts for any expenses/deductions claimed which you should always keep a record/copy of.

I've made a video about what to do if things do not go as planned for your filing here: 

Kind regards - George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca 

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