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Ufile for Mac

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I have been using Ufile for years on an old laptop, this year I am using my Mac as my old laptop died and the Ufile 4 I purchased says that it can be used for Mac right on the package. I tried and am not able to upload Ufile and can only find info to say that you cannot use Ufile for Mac except for online, this is very misleading as the box does not say this.  Now I am out my money I paid and cannot proceed with filing my taxes using my Mac, what solution can anyone provide please. very frustrating!!!

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Hello DMH,

The ability to import the previous year's tax file prepared with UFile for Windows into UFile ONLINE is possible (from 2016).  Prior years would have to be entered manually. 

In UFile ONLINE select the green button [Import an existing file] Allows you to import the previous year's tax file prepared with UFile for Windows into UFile ONLINE (for the Identification and carry forward information only)
(Note can also import a file to a Mac ONLINE if you used UFIle Win last year)
>>Create a new UFIle ONLINE account https://secure.ufile.ca/account/Register
>>Browse to select your file (and enter pw if it was encrypted by you)


**Can not import current year  file directly is Carry Forward of prior year i.e is not actually import of current year but of *prior year information and the Carry Forward **

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I am having the same issue. I made my research before buying the software and file said that the application can be used on Mac. Now that I opened the box but I can't use it nor can I return it to have my money back.

The problem is not about importing previous years, but right from the start when trying to download the application there is this message that pops up saying "You can’t open the application “ufile2023.exe” because Microsoft Windows applications are not supported on macOS."

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