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  1. Hello SClarke, For the 2016 tax return you should enter the Province of Residence as Quebec : >>Mailing address British Columbia >> >>For the Quebec self-employment Income eg.50% in Quebec >> T2125 >> Income/Expenses
  2. Hello renzland, You are welcome and glad to hear it. Thank you for the SUGGESTION, I will pass it on to the QA/DEV team.
  3. Hello Zbynek, Yes, via a REFILE. Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket to submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us We will then instruct you how to send a confidential /anonymous copy of your return for review.
  4. Hello Kevin4fr29, In >>T2125 >> Income, expenses - see example below *Quick Method - For each applicable remittance rate, include (sales, commissions and fees eligible for the Quick Method plus GST/HST collected or collectible) multiplied by Quick Method remittance rate $999.00 *GST/QST included in sales $888.00 *Discounts & rebates on sales $777.00 Total 1,665.00 >>Field 3B : GST/HST, provincial sales tax, allowances, discounts, and GST/HST adjustments (included in amount 3A)
  5. Hello renzland, Thank you for your comments and observations. Please note that you were advised on how to correct the issue on July 16, 2024. Regarding your point "The UFile system failed to make a sanity check..." UFIle DOES provide a warning as shown below. >>Complete ON-BEN - Rent paid but Omit Declarations >>Review (Tab 3) - Review - /!\ Warnings
  6. Hello EGClarke, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  7. Hello Moe707, UFIle does not send the tax file for you and the payment will not trigger the NETFILE. You must NETFIE the tax return yourself, using UFIle. Once you NETFILE your return (Tab 5), the CRA will issue a confirmation number after it does a preliminary check and accepts your return. The confirmation number is then displayed on your screen. IF accessing at a later date It should be displayed (if NetFile was successful) : >> Federal [ ] File Accepted <- - - Double Click “Accepted The tax return was successfully transmitted to the CRA on: Month / Day/Year/Time The confirmation number is: Xxxxxxxxxxxx **Note you must NetFile each family member and require a separate confirmation for each family member. **Please note that the UFile payment confirmation is different from the CRA NetFile confirmation. UFIle can not NetFile the return, you (the client) must NetFile from the above Tab 5.
  8. Hello Hemant, The Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) Schedule 6 is calculated automatically based on your inputs to UFIle. The CWB is an enhanced and more accessible refundable tax credit designed to supplement the earnings of low-income workers. You must meet all the following conditions: * You were a resident of Canada throughout the year.; * You have earned employment or business income. * At the end of the year, you were 19 years of age or older, or you lived with your spouse or common-law partner or with your child. You cannot request the CWB if in 2023, you were in one of the following conditions: * You have been enrolled as a full-time student for a total of more than 13 weeks in the year. * You have held in a prison for at least 90 days during the year. * You were exempt from tax in Canada. The CWB will be generated automatically by the program. If you are eligible, the amount will be carried over to line 45300 in Step 7 of the federal return and federal Schedule 6 will be generated by the program. For more information on CWB, please refer to the following CRA link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/witb-eligibility.html If you believe you do not qualify please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket to submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us We will then instruct you how to send a confidential /anonymous copy of your return for review.
  9. Hello cgodin, The software allows you to prepare the final return of a person who died during the tax year. Note that the tax return must be mailed. For more information about the tax implications following the death of a taxpayer, please visit the following links: CRA: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/lf-vnts/dth/menu-eng.html Revenu Québec: http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citoyen/situation/deces/default.aspx SITUATION 1 - Family head - the widow(er), Spouse - the deceased person ************************************************************************************************* FAMILY HEAD: In the Left side menu, select 'Identification': Marital status on December 31: 'widowed' Did your marital status change? - 'Change'. Return in Left side menu and select "Marital status change”: Change in your marital status - 'Taxpayer became widowed' Date of change in your marital status - enter the date of change. Enter the other information (if applicable). SPOUSE: In the Left side menu, select 'Identification': In OTHER PERSONAL SITUATIONS tick the box 'Tax return for a deceased person'. Click Next. Return in Left side menu and select 'Deceased' Date of death - enter the information. Type of return for the year of death: 'Final return'. Click Next. SITUATION 2 - Family head - the deceased person, Spouse - the widow(ed) ************************************************************** FAMILY HEAD: Open your tax return and go in 'Identification' section of Left side menu: Marital status on December 31: 'Married' or 'Common-law spouse' Did your marital status change? - 'No change'. Go to ‘Interview setup'. In OTHER PERSONAL SITUATIONS tick the box 'Tax return for a deceased person'. Click Next. Return in Left side menu and select 'Deceased'. Date of death - enter the information. Type of return for the year of death: 'Final return'. Click Next. SPOUSE Marital status change: Change in your marital status - 'Taxpayer became widowed' Date of change in your marital status - enter the date of change. Enter the other information (if applicable). Deceased returns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwTF5nk3cAs
  10. Hello Lincoln White, Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to confirm if both can be entered as Foreign dividend income. CRA https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information.html
  11. Hello renzland, The following is UFile : For telephone support, please call: 1-888-633-8414
  12. Hello renzland, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket to submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us We will then instruct you how to send a confidential /anonymous copy of your return for review.
  13. Hello Barn Loft Kat, Place the home rent under "Other". : >>T2125 >> Part 7 – Calculating business-use-of-home expenses
  14. Hello taxesaretaxing, Yes, you are correct. Interview >> Motor vehicle expenses >> Purchased motor vehicle Vehicle information *Model of vehicle [CCA Addition] *Make of vehicle [My_Car] *Purchase date of the vehicle [01-01-2023] *Kilometres travelled to earn employment income [7] Total kilometres you drove in the tax year [10] CCA class *CCA class of the vehicle [Class 10 - 30%] *Opening balance of the undepreciated capital cost [NULL] Vehicle acquisition during the year *Description and amount of capital additions (other than AIIP): [My_Car] [$20,000.00] *Description of the vehicle [My_Car] *Adjusted cost base of the vehicle [$20,000.00] > T777 - Employment expenses p2 Capital cost allowance (see Parts A and B on pages 4 and 5) $3,000 Line 20 multiplied by line 29 Employment-use portion = $2,100 30 >
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