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how to enter CCA for motor vehicle when you have multiple rental properties.

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I have 10 rental properties. I purchased a vehicle and I want to claim CCA for it.  Each property has its own T7776.  

How and where do I enter the info for the new vehicle?  It doesn't seem right to enter it 10 times.   

Do I enter it for 1 property only, which will create a large expense for that property?

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Hello Dougsa,

Please consult with the CRA or an accountant on how to allocate the expenses.

FYI - from the CRA

When can you deduct motor vehicle expenses?
    If you own two or more rental properties – In addition to the expenses listed above, you can deduct reasonable motor vehicle expenses you incur to do any of the following:
        collect rents
        supervise repairs
        manage the properties

This applies whether your rental properties are located in or outside the general area where you live. Your rental properties have to be located in at least two different sites, away from your principal residence. The motor vehicle expenses that we consider to be reasonable depend on the circumstances of your situation.

You can deduct motor vehicle expenses only when they are reasonable and you have receipts. You also have to keep records of the kilometres you drove for your rental properties and the total kilometres you drove in the year. You must also determine the total expenses paid for the vehicle in the year. For more information, visit Keeping records.



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Thanks for the reply.

I have all the expenses gathered and I'm ready to input them into Ufile.

Each property has its own T776 form in Ufile, and i see the  place to enter vehicle expenses and CCA for each property.

My new vehicle is used to service  "all" properties, but I don't see a way to divide the expenses and CCA across all properties  

I can enter the vehicle info for property "A" only.   This skews property "A" but works out for the Grand Total for all properties. 

Does CRA care about the profit and loss of individual properties or only the total?

If I enter the Vehicle info for Property "A" only, and then sell the property what happens to the vehicle tax wise?

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I don't think you are understanding my question.

To summerize. 

I have 10 rental properties.

I have a vehicle I use to maintain all 10 properties.

I have a  T776 for each property.

I see the place to add the vehicle expenses and CCA on each T776 form.  

The problem is ... In Ufile it looks like I would need to add the same vehicle in each T776 form, which does seem right.


My Question is...

Is there a way in Ufile to divide CCA for this vehicle among all properties?




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