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how to import basic CRA data like name & address etc from 22 file on the online Ufile portal ?


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Hello when  created a new 2023 file, it's asking  me for the basic data like name address etc which is already on the 22 & 21 files. How do I import this without the need to key it in as nothing has changed ?

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When you start the program you will see to the right of the large blue "Start" block, a Grey block "Carry Forward a 2022 tax file".

Select this and all the relevent information from 2022 will be transmitted to this new file.

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Hello Dominic

UFIle Window


Before carrying your information from 2022 to 2023, please save your tax return for 2022 as a PDF file.

 1. Start UFile 2022.

2. Click on the "Review" tab.

3. If you do not have errors, click on the "Tax return" tab.

4. Click "Save PDF".

5. Save the data file and close UFile 2022.



In order to carry forward your 2022 tax return prepared with UFile for Windows 2022 to UFile for Windows 2023, please follow these steps:



1. Run UFile 2023 and click on "Carry forward a 2022 tax file".

2. Under "Select the type of file to import", check "2022 UFile or ImpôtExpert tax file (.u22)".

3. Click the "Browse" button and browse to your .u22 file.

4. Click "Open" after you locate the file.

5. Click "Continue".

6. Click "OK".








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