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Error Message: You have to confirm that your spouse's adjusted taxable income is NIL

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I'm trying to Netfile both mine and my husband's return and get the following error messages that's preventing us from filing electronically  

- You have to confirm that your spouse's adjusted taxable income is NIL

- You have to confirm that your spouse's provincial/territorial adjusted taxable income is NIL

I cannot say YES to this as we both have taxable income.  

Please help.  Thanks!


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Hello mariechan,

In Interview >>Controls
*Schedule 2 Line 36100
>>Change to Yes (is CRA requirement even if UFIle knows the line = 0)
NOTE : This Is a CRA Requirement Not Ufile.  Pay special attention to the adjective "adjusted" taxable income. Because two people are compiling and submitting their returns together as a (married) couple, some values and credits are transferred from one partner to the other and that is the function of SCHEDULE 2. This detail is specified in the control question and error message.  This means is that the spouse's taxable income (line 26000) is equal to or less than their federal non-refundable tax credits (excluding a few, such as donations and medical expenses), which means that they will have no federal tax to pay.


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Hi, I have the same question.

My ex husband and I are separated (almost 2 years now, it is my second year filing as separated) and I have 2 questions.

Do I have to file with a spouse, without a spouse, or I can choose to do either? I'd prefer to file only me and my dependent kids, as I have almost no information about his 2023 income.

The second question I have is the same as the original question above.  I do not know what to answer for this "You have to confirm that your spouse's adjusted taxable income is NIL" as my ex husband isn't exactly open about this information and I am not sure if he will or will not have federal taxes to pay this year.

Shuold I just file based on what I think?

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