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T4A, Box 107, wage-loss replacement


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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this as you mentioned

In the T4A page locate Other information (Box 028+).XX

Click the triangle to see the list of choices.

Select 107 Payments from wage-loss replacement plan.


I only see 2 Options:

[119] Premium paid to group term a life insurance plan

[113] Variable pension benefits


If I click + I get a new line that says

Other Information click triangle……

Why don’t I see  “Selection 107: Wage loss replacement” only

 the 2 that I mentioned

 Could it be entered in another location?


You do not see 107 because you selected a T4A page that does not correspond to your situation.

Select "T4A - Pension, retirement income, annuity and other income"

  • 1 month later...

I am trying to file 'family' for my spouse and I.  He receives wage loss replacement, and I have employment earnings.  My review of our files indicates that I have reported NO INCOME for him, yet on his T4A, within UFILE, I chose box 28, wage loss replacement and entered the amount.


Why is it saying that he has no earnings/income and that I need to make that selection in my interview?

  • 4 years later...

When instructed to "click on the triangle" where is the triangle?   I need to report income from box 109 of a T4A.....I page down to "Other Information" and see a whole list of box numbers but not 109 and I can not see an arrow to get to 109



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