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Warning Message


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I received a "warning" message at the end of doing my return.  I have tried to fix the information but it is not allowing me to move forward with my tax return.


The warning is telling me I might be eligible for benefits in the ON-BEN part of the return.


How do I clear this message so I can file my taxes online?


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Hi garnet_star,


The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) includes payments from the Ontario sales tax credit, the Ontario energy and property tax credit, and the Northern Ontario energy credit. The payments of these three credits will be combined and delivered on a monthly basis to better match the timing of the assistance with the expenses incurred by the taxpayers. You must apply and be eligible for at least one of these credits to receive the OTB.

If you have a spouse and that he ordinarily resides with you, one of you can claim the credit for your couple.

This credit is in addition to credit payments for GST / HST, if applicable, so that the amount to which you are entitled will not affect your credit for the GST / HST and vice versa.

The payments of these three credits are combined and you can choose whether you only one payment where every month. You make this choice in point 2.

To claim the OTB using the program, please follow these steps:
1- In the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" section of your tax file, select "Ontario tax and credits".
2- On the screen to your right, select "ON-BEN - Application for 2016   Ontario Trillium Benefit (Ontario sales tax credit, Ontario energy and property tax credit, Northern Ontario energy credit) and the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant".
3- On this page, for the first question, select whether you wish to receive the payment in one lump-sum payment or in monthly installments. Then, enter the required information to claim the other credits and click "Next" at the bottom of the page
4- Return to the "Ontario tax and credits" section and, on the page to your right, select the line that corresponds to your situation ("ON-BEN - Declaration for home owners, tenants or college residence"). Enter your information.
5- If you and your spouse or common-law partner occupied separate principal residences in Ontario for medical reasons, choose "ON-BEN - Involuntary separation from your spouse" To determine whether the payment will be individual or one of you can claim them for the couple

The program produces an estimate of the Trillium benefit for July2016to June 2017.

For more information about the Ontario Trillium Benefit (PTO), please visit the following links:



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I have exactly the same problem.  I reply positively to all the ON Ben questions and ask for a one time payment but the ON-BEN - Declaration for home owners, tenants or college residence does not appear so I cannot enter the amount of property tax that I paid last year.

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