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Component to QST for Solidarity Tax Part


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My son who is over 18 and lives at home with us has been able to claim the component related to QST depending of his income.


I see that this option is no longer available on UFile online.


Can someone please confirm if this has been eliminated or is it a UFile error?


Thank you.

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To enter the information pertaining to the solidarity tax credit, follow the steps below:

1. In the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Revenu Québec questions", and on the screen to your right, enter your information.

2. Return, in the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" selects the "Solidarity tax credit" and on the page that appears, answers the questions.

3. In the "QST component", answer the two questions.

4. To the first question, if you live with your spouse, you must answer "No".

5. For the question "The address of your principal place of residence on December 31 2016 is it the same as the one on your tax return?", if you answer" No", fill in the fields that are displayed.

6. In the "Dwelling component" section, answer the question "You or your spouse were tenant (received a RL-31)" or "Owner on December 31, 2016", in the drop down menu you have three (3) choice. If you answer "Owner" answers the following questions. But for adult children who live with their parents, choose "Neither tenant nor owner". Also for the people who live a non-eligible dwelling.

7. If you answered "Tenant or subtenant (RL-31)" to the second question select from the drop down menu the appropriate answer.

8. Subsequently, specify the "Dwelling number" that appears on your RL-31you received from your landlord. Note The owner must have given to you the Rl-31no later than the last day of February. If the landlord refuses to send you the RL-31, please contact Revenu Quebec.

9. Enter the total number of tenants or subtenants.

10, In the following section, answer the question ".Did you have a spouse on December 31, 2016". If you answered "Yes", answer the two (2) following question.

11. If your main residence is located in a northern village, complete the "Northern village component" section.

An estimate of the solidarity tax credit will be generated by the program.However, Revenu Québec will confirm any amount that you are entitled to receive.

For more information about the solidarity tax credit, we recommend that you consul the following links:




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You are right, it is a UFile interface change (both Windows and OnLine).

The data entry page is attempting to mirror the layout of the actual Schedule D,

 - Information about you

 - Information about your spouse

As a result, a heading QST component is no longer feasible as the QST credit involves the individual and an eventual spouse.

Data entry for your son living at your home should be,

 - did you live in a dwelling, either alone or ...? - No

 - were you tenant or owner? - Neither tenant nor owner

 - address and northern village as appropriate

Verify the resulting estimate in your son's Solidarity credit calculation

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