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T4 and employer name change


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I live in Quebec but my employer is Ontario based and they were sold last year and changed their name in August. I received two T4 slips with different amounts in the same boxes. My questions is: can i combine the two on my ufile tax program? If not do i enter both and then split expenses against my commission income? There are no RL-1 slips as province of employment on T4 is ON.

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Hello Knuktax,

Quebec resident working outside the province

Your question is: I have worked outside of Quebec in the current tax year, but I reside in Quebec. I received two T4 slips. How do I complete my tax return?

You can combine two slips or create two section of T4s.

Please follow the steps below:

1. In the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", select "T4 and employment income", and on the screen, that appears on the right, choose "T4 income earned outside Quebec".

2. Enter the data from the T4 and select the province of employment in box 10.

3. You may have received an RL-1 slip with amounts showing in Boxes A, J and perhaps in Box E. If so, please return to the "Left- side menu on the Interview tab", select "T4 - Statement of remuneration paid (RL-1) with QPP contributions", and enter the data that appear on the RL-1 slip.

4. Enter the amounts displayed in the boxes of your RL-1. Also, enter $0, 00 in boxes B and I of RL-1 slip.

5. You will note that federal Schedule 10 will be generated as well as Quebec's Schedule R to take into account the differences in rates for both Employment Insurance and the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP).

6. When you click on "Results" tab, you will notice a warning that reads as follows: ''You have employment income that appears to consist solely of taxable benefits. If you received these benefits because of a previous employment... ''. Ignore this warning.

7. The federal tax transfer for residents of Quebec on line 438 of the federal tax return, which represents 45% of the amount in Box 22 of the T4 slip, will be carried over by the program.

For Quebec, line 101 represents the sum of the amount from Box 14 of the T4 slip and the amount from Box A of the RL-1 slip.

Line 454 of the Quebec tax return (TP1) is equal to line 438 of the federal tax return.

By default, the program will transfer 45% of federal tax to line 454 in Quebec. If you wish to change this amount, return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and at the bottom of the page "T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid" and go to the line "Amount of federal tax to transfer to Quebec" if you want the transfer tax to be less than 45% enter the amount you want to transfer to Québec.

NOTE: If you did not receive an RL-1 slip from your employer, but he has paid the health insurance premium, this amount is taxable in Quebec. If you have a document from your employers that confirm this, you must fill out an RL-1 slip as if you had received one from your employer. Therefore, please refer to points 3 and 4 of this document.

The program will generate forms RC381 and LE-35 pertaining to the inter-provincial calculation of the CPP and QPP contributions and overpayments.

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