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Tax return for a deceased person


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Hi--this is probably a dumb question but here goes:  My 93 year old mother passed away on Jan 5/2019 and I am doing her 2018 Income Tax with U-File Windows.  Do I fill out the field for "Is this return for a deceased person?" OR is that to be filled out for the 2019 tax year next year?  Since she lived for 5 days in the new year, I presume I will have to do a 2019 tax return as well.

Also, since I have to mail the return (cannot do efile) can I just sign with my name or do I have to get permission from Revenue Canada?

Thanks in advance for any replies,


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Hi - I had the same question as my dad died in March of this year, so I have to file his 2018 return. I also called CRA but got only a very basic response (indicate he was deceased and note his date of death)... may I ask if there was anything else the estate rep told you that I should know about? Can't seem to find any directions online related to filing the year before death.

I was hoping to complete his return on UFile as I always have, but then I gather from your comment above and another that I have read that maybe we can't netfile it (is that the same thing as efile?) and so I can print and mail it in if necessary....

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If you can Netfile his 2018 tax return, then just do it. Did it for my mother 3 years ago for her 2014 tax return (died in April 2015).  CRA does not care for a tax year in which the person was alive for the full year.  The bigger complication is if a Balance is due. Either the executor pays it out of one's own pocket and gets reimbursed later from the Estate, or try to get the Estate bank account to pay Balance owing (the former is much easier). If there is  a refund, then when it comes in, just have the cheque deposited to the Estate back account.

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On 4/14/2019 at 7:09 PM, AltaRed said:

If you can Netfile his 2018 tax return, then just do it. Did it for my mother 3 years ago for her 2014 tax return (died in April 2015).  CRA does not care for a tax year in which the person was alive for the full year.  The bigger complication is if a Balance is due. Either the executor pays it out of one's own pocket and gets reimbursed later from the Estate, or try to get the Estate bank account to pay Balance owing (the former is much easier). If there is  a refund, then when it comes in, just have the cheque deposited to the Estate back account.

Thank you, I will try this! He is owed a refund so hopefully all will be fine. Thanks for your response!

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