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Deceased taxpayer

G Fowler

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Hello, my father passed away two weeks ago this year (March 2019) just as I was about to file his 2018 taxes, which I have netfiled for many years on his behalf (I was his POA and am now his Executor) through UFile. His final return won't be due for another six months, but CRA indicates I should file his 2018 taxes now, and note his date of death so they will be advised this is not the final return.

Therefore, when I click the deceased taxpayer option in your interview setup, and it asks the "Type of Return for the Year of Death" I assume I am to choose "Deceased Taxpayer next year (Memo)" - but based on the notes, does this mean I cannot actually Netfile?

If I can Netfile / use UFile, I assume I also need to complete the Legal Representative or Guardian section as well?

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You can file the return for a person who passed away in the tax year and was the designated family head. To do so, please follow the steps below:

1. In the ''Left side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Identification" page and for the question "Did your marital status change in 2018?" reply "No change" because the deceased person does not change their marital status;.

2. Still in the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", click on "Interview setup" and on the page that appears to the right, check the box for "Tax return for a deceased person". Also, choose the group needed to complete your tax return and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page.

3. Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and click on "Deceased".

4. Complete the page by entering the date of death and specify whether it is a final return, if applicable.

5. If the estate received an RC249 slip for the decline in the value of an RRSP or RRIF, select "Post-death decline in the value" and enter the amount on the RC249 slip.

In the spouse's file, the program will generate the "Marital status change" in the "Left side menu on the Interview tab".

Enter the required information in the "Change of marital status in 2018" mainly on the line "Change in your marital status in 2018" in the drop down menu on your right, choose "Taxpayer became widowed" and enter the date of death of your spouse.

Also, the program will automatically generate the widowed marital status on page 1 of the federal return and for residents of Quebec, on page 1 of the Quebec return to the section "Information about your spouse December 31 2018 " will be entered on line 37 the date of the of death of the family head.

NOTE - You cannot NETFILE the tax return of a deceased individual, as per CRA rules. You must print and mail it. (However, if you are a professional tax preparer, you can file the return through EFILE.

However, for residents of Quebec, you can file your Quebec tax return through NetFile Québec.

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