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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello JWHY, No worries. The % split of the Family Trust T3's will impact the tax results ie the difference results based on 0% or 50%. Of note you should enter the % as per each individual's share of the Trust. You cannot simply split or optimize a T3. It is pre-defined as per the account set up with the financial institution / Trust. This is because of the Attribution Rules, tax rules which have been especially created to limit income splitting (shifting income from a family member with a higher income to a family member with a lower income to reduce the overall tax a family has to pay). https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/it511r/archived-interspousal-certain-other-transfers-loans-property.html
  2. Hello ottawa, You are welcome.
  3. Hello QUESTION, The calculation is correct. .0288 * 24,136.78 = 695.14 NOTE : The T777 "Percentage of home being used for personal purposes: %" is a global variable. 2.88 % It can not be customized for each line item, such as "maintenance and repairs", and the CRA does not permit overrides for T1 consumer tax software. You can not split out :
  4. Hello lisa_sk8, You must show the calculation - example :
  5. Hello HoneyL, UFile allows to ReFILE your 2022 (and 2023 tax return) . Note for the prior tax years you should make the adjustment: T1-ADJ 1) If you tax return was successfully submitted, go to the 2022 or 2023 file (as required) please go to « NetFile » tab [5]. - - > Federal [ ] File accepted Click on "Federal submission" section. Filing status Federal submission < - - HERE Federal T1135 submission Acknowledgment report On the bottom right hand side of the page, click "Re-FILE". “If you need to electronically submit a modified federal return, please return to the left side menu under the interview and select CRA ReFILE.” < - - - CLICK ReFile NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. 2) Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". Follow the instructions on the page. NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". (on the left hand side of the page above Interview setup) Identification Current address CRA questions NetFile CRA ReFILE < - - --HERE CRA Auto-fill my return CRA Express NOA 3) Make the appropriate changes to your file.(same as in “normal” UFile) **VERY IMPORTANT! ** You cannot update your marital status, address, direct deposit or email address by using the service ReFILE. If you have split-pension you must mail it in using a T1 - ADJ. 4) Click "Review" tab, then click "NETFILE" tab. Tick the box "I agree with the ReFILE Terms and Conditions and Private Notice". Click "ReFILE my return now!". (is displayed at bottom right of NetFile screen "Select CRA REfile) -For Revenu Quebec same process applies but for Revenu Quebec ReFile Note that cannot refile with Quebec until you have received your assessment.
  6. Geo123


    Hello Hello Paul007, I do not believe so. It is only the excess over the limit.
  7. Hello ottawa, For a T3 Trust Return please contact us for our professional tax return solution DTMax.from Thomson Reuters. Sales Department 1 866 653-8629 / DT-sales@thomsonreuters.com T3: https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/dtprofessionalsuite/products/dtmax/dtmaxt3.html
  8. Hello Janik, For Line 25300 – Net capital losses of other years (stocks, bonds etc) : 1- On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Interview setup". 2 - On the right-hand side of the screen. Go to the "Carryforward amounts and prior year information" group, check the box for "Losses of prior years, carrybacks" and then click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Losses of prior years and carrybacks". 4- On the page appearing on the right, click on the icon of the plus sign "+" located on the right of the line "Net capital losses of other years". 5- On the page entitled "Net capital losses of other years" and enter your net capital losses of previous years. 6- If you wish to limit the amount of capital losses applied to the current year, enter the amount on the last line at the bottom of the page. Do not forget, to use the loss carryforward you must have had a taxable capital gain that is generated on line 12700 of the federal return. The program will report the net capital loss on line 25300 of your federal return and on line 290 of the Quebec return. To see the details of the application of net capital losses, click on the "Tax return" tab and select federal form "Net Capital Losses" and, if applicable, Quebec form "TP-729 - Net Capital Losses". https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-25300-net-capital-losses-other-years.html >>You can only open one page :
  9. Hello Elaine Wonder, The transfer of the dividend works as follows. Where a lower-income spouse receives a dividend and cannot fully use the dividend tax credit, the spouses can make an election to have the dividend included in the other (higher-income) spouse’s income. However, the election can be made only if including the dividend in the other spouse’s income either creates or increases the spousal tax credit that the other spouse may claim. In some cases, it may be better for you to report all of the taxable dividends that your spouse or common-law partner received from taxable Canadian corporations. You can do this only if it allows you to claim, or increase your claim, for the spouse or common-law partner amount on line 30300 of your return. If you choose this option, do not include these dividends in your spouse's or common-law partner's income. You may be able to claim a dividend tax credit on line 40425 for dividends that you received from taxable Canadian corporations. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-12000-taxable-amount-dividends-eligible-other-than-eligible-taxable-canadian-corporations.html
  10. Hello ElHAM, 1. On the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab", select "Interview setup". 2. On the screen that appears on the right, go to the "Self-employment" group, check the box "Self-employed business income", also if you paid tax by instalments. Then go to the "Tax paid by instalments and tax transfer" group and check the box "Tax paid by instalments and tax transfer" and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", click on "Self-employment income" and select the option "T2125 - Business income" on the right-hand side page. 4. On the "Business identification" page, enter the name of your business on the line "Business name (or your own name, if the business does not have one ", then enter the other information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk. 5. On the field for "6-digit code from the North American Industry Classification System", enter the NAICS code that best describes your industry. If you do not know the NAICS code, click on the tool tip (the question mark) (?) on the right-hand side of the box to access a list of NAICS codes. 6. On the line "Products or services and their respective percentage (%) in the total income (mandatory for a Quebec return) ", in the field on the right, enter your main service or product and enter the percentage (%). If you have other products or services, click on the "plus sign +" icon on the right to generate another field. 7. Subsequently, after identifying your company, a submenu will appear on the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab" to allow you to enter the "Income & expenses", "Motor vehicle expenses", "Home office expenses" and so on. 8. On the next page ''Income, expenses'', on the line ''Gross sales, commissions or fees'', you must enter a value, if you have no income, enter $0, 00 as this is a required field. NOTE: for expenses, if your company is registered for GST and HST (QST), these expenses must be entered before taxes to reflect the ITRs (input tax refund) and ITCs (input tax credit) you claimed. 9. If you had partners, choose the subsection "Partners" and if you want to claim capital cost allowance for your office furniture and equipment, choose subsection "CCA" and select on this page the classes that apply to your profession. 10. For residents of Quebec, if you wish to pay your registration fee for Quebec, return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" and choose the option ''Q438 - Quebec annual registration fee for the enterprise register''. We recommend that you read the T4002 guide published by the CRA, for more information on what qualifies as a business expense. For more information, please visit the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4002.html For Quebec residents, we suggest that you consult the "Business and Professional Income" guide, published by Revenu Québec. You can visit the following link: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/online-services/forms-and-publications/current-details/in-155-v/ The program will also generate federal form T2125, as well as Quebec form TP-80 if applicable. The gross and net amounts will be reported by the program on lines 13499 and 13500 of the federal return and, for Quebec residents, on lines 12 and 22 of Quebec Schedule L.
  11. Hello Jamie S, UFIle does not support the T746 Calculating Your Deduction for Refund of Unused RRSP, PRPP, and SPP Contributions. You can access it here : https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/t746.html
  12. Hello Scoop, Assuming there are two addresses. Declare the unit you lived in with the Principal Residence exemption, declare the rental unit sale via the T776 Interview page as a capital gain.
  13. Hello Elaine Wonder, The transfer of the dividend works as follows. Where a lower-income spouse receives a dividend and cannot fully use the dividend tax credit, the spouses can make an election to have the dividend included in the other (higher-income) spouse’s income. However, the election can be made only if including the dividend in the other spouse’s income either creates or increases the spousal tax credit that the other spouse may claim. In some cases, it may be better for you to report all of the taxable dividends that your spouse or common-law partner received from taxable Canadian corporations. You can do this only if it allows you to claim, or increase your claim, for the spouse or common-law partner amount on line 30300 of your return. If you choose this option, do not include these dividends in your spouse's or common-law partner's income. You may be able to claim a dividend tax credit on line 40425 for dividends that you received from taxable Canadian corporations. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-12000-taxable-amount-dividends-eligible-other-than-eligible-taxable-canadian-corporations.html
  14. Hello SS7779, If you are the designated family head and your spouse has passed away in the tax year, you must account for this by filing a final return for the deceased spouse. To do so, please follow the steps below for your file: 1- First, in the Family Head (FH) "Identification" section of the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", choose "Widowed" to the question "Marital status on December 31, 2023", and for the question "Did your marital status change in 2023?" select "Change". 2- Enter the relevant information in the Current address, CRA questions, Revenu Quebec questions, Quebec prescription drug insurance plan and Solidarity tax credit. 3- Back in the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Marital status change". 4- On the page to the right, for the question "Change in your marital status in 2023", select "Taxpayer became widowed" in the drop-down menu and enter the date of change. 5- Subsequently, enter the information required to complete your tax returns. 6- Under "Senior home support", choose the appropriate option (s) from the screen to your right (If applicable) Then, in the spouse (SP) deceased person's file, follow these specific steps: 1- On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Interview setup". 2- On the screen that appears to the right, check the box for "Tax return for a deceased person" and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Deceased". 4- Fill out the new page that appears to your right according to the information that you have for the deceased spouse and choose the "Final return" option. 5- Subsequently, enter the information required to complete your spouse's tax returns. The program will generate schedule J of Quebec in the file of the head of the family for the home support of the seniors.
  15. Hello jenn19, Please contact the CRA 1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals. Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/telephone-numbers.html
  16. Hello Glaurica, Please Contact the CRA 1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals. Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/telephone-numbers.html
  17. Hello lisa_sk8, To report foreign Income / Loss - Note you can can not enter negative income, you must show the loss calculation: >>Note you can can not enter negative income
  18. Hello Glaurica, No, you must allocate your moving expenses according to who incurred them and allocate the shared expenses. You can not optimize these expenses.
  19. Hello Glaurica, If you are both claiming the moving you will need to enter the deduction in each of your files and calculate / allocate the moving expenses for each of you, with the relevant income information. Do not duplicate the entries in each file.
  20. Hello Sumi If you have an unused contribution to your RRSP from the first 60 days of 2023, *the reporting method will depend on the actual situation.* **If the amount was reported in 2022 and not used in 2022**, therefore carried over to 2023, then it is an unused contribution and the UFile program would have carried it over to 2023. Complete this section only if an amount of Unused contributions is shown on your latest federal 2022 Notice of assessment or Notice of reassessment. ***IF you have a RRSP from the first 60 days of 2023, and it was never reported before***, then you have to make an adjustment to your 2022 tax return or if you successfully NetFiled your 2022 tax return you can ReFILE your 2022 return after you have made the entry into your 2022 return. OTHERWISE Generally, you have to pay a tax of 1% per month on excess contributions that exceed your RRSP/PRPP deduction limit by more than $2,000 unless you: withdrew the excess amounts. contributed to a qualifying group plan If you over-contribute $2,000 or less to your RRSP, you cannot deduct those excess contributions from your taxable income, but you are not charged a penalty on those contributions either. Excess contributions over the $2,000 mark, however, are charged a penalty. For further clarification please consult a tax advisor or the CRA. Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 CRA https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information.html
  21. Hello SusanBR, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the account and payments. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  22. Hello schazia, Please see below. >> >>
  23. Hello, This suggestion has been submitted to the QA / DEV team for review. The development team will decide if a suggestion is implemented for a future release. Thank you.
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