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Claiming my daughter's tuition


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My daughter (currently 19) has one semester of tuition to claim this year. I have a few questions regarding transfer of credit. I file my daughter's taxes with mine:

Does she have to claim the tuition first and then is the unused amount transferred to a parent?

Her income is much larger this year bec she received CERB and worked a few months (close to 20k). It probably makes sense for her to claim the tuition bec her income is so high with CERB. Even if I specify to transfer to family head it still seems to default to apply to her. Is this bec her income was so high?

Can the transferred tuition be split between myself and my ex wife? I am remarried and file with my new wife and daughter.


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Your daughter has to claim first. Only unused amounts may be transferred. If there is an unused amount and the Schedule 11 at the bottom of the Ufile T2022 form is set to Let MaxBack decide, the unused amount will transfer to the eligible person with the highest marginal rate. There are overrides available there.

Don't know about the splitting. Might be easiest to cut a cheque for half the amount of tax you save or whatever.

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