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Questions on rental property expenses and where to enter those in T776


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  1. I had to purchase Appliances (Refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, microwave etc.)for the rental property that we leased out to a tenant. These appliances were purchased after the closing of the property in Nov 21.  These appliances costed us around $6000/- Can we claim these as expenses? If yes then where to enter that expense under T776 section? 
       2. In addition, while closing the rental property the builder charged us for Land tax, Tarion warranty registration, Water meter fee, Hydro underground services fee etc. Can we claim these charges as expenses? 
       3. Our lawyers charged legal fees for closing, registration transfer, registration charge, disburse fees flat, land transfer fees, execution certificate charges at Sherief's office, file charges, title insurance premium, electronic mortgage process fees. Can we claim these as expenses? (I read in forums that land transfer fee cannot be claimed as expense - is this correct? ) 
Could you answer my concerns  point by point?
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  • 2 weeks later...

The assets mentioned in your first point are depreciable assets (value lasts more than one year). You may enter them as Class 8 assets and claim them over time. You need to enter them as 'cost of additions'.

The fees mentioned in point 2 & 3 are usually amortized over the course of 5 years except the land transfer fee. For a complete list list of other items that are not deductible please see page 20 and 21 of the rental guide found here: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/formspubs/pub/t4036/t4036-21e.pdf

George Hiotis QA Manager UFile.ca

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  • 1 year later...

Even though the thread is 1 year old, the information remains valuable for anyone facing similar rental property expense questions. 🏠💡 Let's address your concerns point by point: Absolutely, you can claim the expenses for those appliances! $6000 for appliances purchased after property closing in Nov 21 can be entered under the T776 section. The charges from the builder, like land tax, Tarion warranty reg, water meter fee, and more, are also eligible as expenses. Legal fees for closing, registration, disburse fees, and other charges can be claimed. However, remember that the land transfer fee cannot be claimed as an expense. Always keep proper records of receipts and documents to support your claims. Also, if you need tips on gas stove installation, check out fixappliances.ca It might be useful for your rental property needs.

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  • 8 months later...

in Ontario, are these fees below also deductible as an expense?  all in the first year?

*parkland dedication

*Public arts contribution

*Interest charged by builder/vendor on Deferred purchase monies

Could you answer point by point? Thanks!

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  • 4 months later...

Yes, you can claim the cost of appliances for your rental property. In the T776 section, they would go under "Capital Cost Allowance" (CCA). For the second question, things like land tax, water meter fee, and hydro services can be claimed as expenses, but Tarion warranty and some other fees might be capital costs. Most legal fees can be claimed, but land transfer fees cannot.
Also, when I bought appliances for my rental property, I decided to save some money by buying them second-hand from my neighbors who were moving out. They worked perfectly and cost much less than new ones. I only had a small problem with the fridge once, and musiccityappliance.services fixed it quickly. Buying second-hand can really help save some cash when you’re already spending a lot on the property!

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