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No support, where to complain ?


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I failed to Netfile due to a programme mistake: it requiers a home phone number, but we don"t have one. I tried to write different phone numbers, it never worked. It still generates a message:
"Electronic Filing Errors
A tax return was generated. However, the errors below prevent the transmission of your declaration.
 You cannot currently NetFile the Quebec return. Please review the following reasons, and make corrections when possible. If an (*) appears at the end of an explanation below, it denotes a NETFILE exclusion (i.e. the return cannot be transmitted).

You must enter a valid home telephone number. Click here to fix Include the area code, and ensure that you only entered numbers and not letters."

5 (five) requests sent since April, got confirmation with number on my e-mail and never heard again from any UFile rep. I filed my returns with Ufile every year since 2014. Got help when needed with a basic account. This year I decided to pay extra for extra support, got nothing. Today I'm listening to a really annoying music for the 3 (third) hour waiting for anyone to pick up a phone 1-800-834-5322 


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Hello Barracuda,

Our website is currently undergoing maintenance until Friday, June 24. Please note that some of our services (account creation, email, password reset, support request) may be disrupted during that period. 

We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please try again OR as a Premium client you can use our ONLINE CHAT service.

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