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Claiming my parents as dependents


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I am currently separated and have two kids with my ex-wife. We each claim one of them as dependents. 

My parents are elderly, live with me, and has no income. I have checked with CRA and know that I can add them as dependents as well. My question is: 

1. How do I add my parents as dependents in my ufile? 

2. Where should it show up in the Federal return summary that I am getting the tax break from claiming all three dependents instead of just one? 



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Hello bhatiyali,

Amount for an eligible dependent
You may be able to claim this amount if, at any time in the year, you met all the following conditions at once:

* You do not have a spouse or common-law partner;
* You supported a dependant in 2021;
* You lived with the dependant in a home that you maintained. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.


In addition, at the time you met the above conditions, the dependant must also have been either.
* Your parent or grandparent by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption;
* Your child, your grandchildren, brother or sister and she is under 18 years of age or has, an impairment in physical or mental functions.


To claim the amount for an eligible dependant, you must first create the dependant's file. To create this file, follow the steps below:

1. On the "Interview" tab, click on "Add dependant" on the line to the right;

2. On the page entitled "Dependant identification", enter the dependant's information. Please note that the lines followed by a red asterisk are mandatory fields.

3. If the dependant is an adult, you must complete the page
"CRA questions", as well as the "Revenu Québec questions" for residents of Quebec and claim the solidarity tax credit.

4. If you have multiple several dependents, repeat step 1.
Once the dependant's file has been created, and you meet the eligibility criteria (see link below), the program will make the claim for the eligible dependant amount automatically with no additional entries required.

If you have 2 or more children, the program will automatically select the child for whom the eligible dependant amount will be claimed. However, if you want to choose a specific child for this claim, please follow these steps:

 1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" of the child's file, located on the left-hand side, click on "Controls".
2. Then, on the page appearing on the right, select "Let MaxBack decide" to the question "Claim this dependant as the eligible dependant on federal 30400?".

The program will claim the eligible dependant amount on line 30400 of the Federal return, and line 5816 of your provincial forms (other than Quebec, which does not have an equivalent form).

In addition, Schedule 5 will be generated by the program.

For additional information on the eligible dependant amount, please consult this link:



Please note that it is not possible to indicate in the field "Marital status" that the dependant is married or has a common-law spouse, because you cannot file the tax returns of the couple within your file. Therefore, in your file, you must choose "single" as the marital status of the dependant.

**This is done only to obtain the Caregiver credit the parents tax returns are not actually filed.**

>>You then file the actual tax returns of the parent dependants ( who have a spouse)  separately ie their actual filing, which is distinct from yours,  to the CRA

FYI - Formerly referred to as the Equivalent-to-Spouse amount, the Amount for an Eligible Dependant Credit is a Non-Refundable Tax Credit designed for single adults who are not claiming the spouse/common-law partner credit and who are responsible for the financial care of a relative



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  • 1 year later...

Hello. I have a question about claiming medical expenses for my parents who are visiting me and have a super visa. can I claim their medical expense in my tax return? my mom has been here for more than 183 days and my dad has been here for less than 182 days. Thank you

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