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Form T1-M, Moving Expenses Deduction


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For the latest rev U-File, there is meal expense deduction only in form T1-M.  I am unable to input Vehicle expense deduction.Vehicle expense is allowed by CRA. Please add vehicle expense deduction in  T1-M. Refer to https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-21900-moving-expenses/line-21900-expenses-you-deduct.html.

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Hello SimonR,

Under the section >> Moving expenses (you moved closer to your workplace) :  Enter Vehicle expense :



Travel expenses (from old residence to new residence)
Travel costs (other than accommodation and meals)
Accommodation costs
Mode of transportation used for the move
Number of household members in move (travel costs)
Number of kilometers travelled
Number of nights spent in dwellings


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Thanks for your quick response.

I would like using T1M-Moving expenses deduction (you moved closer to your workplace (Simplified method).  I am unable to enter Vehicle expense in the simplified method. Could you please advise how to enter vehicle expense calculated as per the simplified method as shown below?

Vehicle expenses
If you choose to use the simplified method to calculate the amount to claim for vehicle expenses, multiply the number of kilometres by the cents/km rate for the province or territory where the travel began. The CRA may still ask you to provide some documentation to support your claim. You must keep track of the number of kilometres driven during the tax year for the trips related to your moving expenses.

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Hello SimonR,

The above refers to 25500-northern-residents-deduction


Enter as indicated previously :

Travel expenses (from old residence to new residence)
Travel costs (other than accommodation and meals)
Accommodation costs
Mode of transportation used for the move
Number of household members in move (travel costs)
Number of kilometers travelled
Number of nights spent in dwellings



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