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Please Help to Claim CCA on Vehicle


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Hello, I wanted to claim CCA on business vehicle that I purchased June last year. This is my first time claiming it. It is classified as 10.1 class (30%). My question is how to fill out the below fields on Ufile? I only wanted to claim for $6000.

1. Limit to the CCA to this class? 

Do I enter $6000 in here?


2. Limit the amount eligible for immediate expensing of capital additions (other than AIIP)?

Can someone explain what is classified as other than AIIP? Is tax classified as other than AIIP?


3. Limit the amount eligible for immediate expensing of capital additions of AIIP?

Do I enter again $6000 in here?



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Hello Mary929H,

Only enter limit the CCA to reduce the CCA amount.

*Opening undepreciated capital cost or cumulative eligible capital  < --------From prior year ending UCC value // LEAVE NULL if no other assets from prior year.

*Description of assets

*Adjusted cost base of asset(s) in class <---ACQUISITION PRICE HERE

*Date the asset was acquired <----DATE

*Property type for capital gains classification purposes

*Non-accelerated investment incentive property additions - amount and description     <---ACQUISITION PRICE HERE


for AIIP~

*Accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) additions after November 20, 2018 - amount and description

*Half-year CCA applies on non-accelerated investment incentive property additions  < - - -If Applicable

*Limit this class to specific CCA/CECA amount < - - -If Wish To Limit CCA

~ Under the Accelerated Investment Incentive, capital investments will generally be eligible for a first-year deduction for depreciation equal to up to three times the amount that would otherwise apply in the year an asset is put in use. Tripling the current first-year rate will allow businesses to recover the initial cost of their investment more quickly.

Limit to the CCA of this vehicle (leave blank for maximum CCA)  <- - - TO LIMIT the CCA amount

Kilometres travelled for business or work

Total kilometres travelled

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