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NETFILE Capital Loss Error


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Hi! I have a situation where I have a capital loss in 2022 from virtual currencies. I completed Schedule 3 and ended up with a negative amount on line 15199 and 15300. Do these error/warning messages need to be fixed? or should I just mail in my return since it says NETFILE does not accept negative amounts on these lines? There are around 60 error messages since I entered 60 negative amounts. How should I approach this? Did I input my losses correctly? And if so, should I just mail it in?Screenshot2023-03-14162142.thumb.png.65f8782ef7ed076a43596983cea540f5.pngScreenshot2023-03-14162043.thumb.png.591959ad2c936667fffe0d8791d61b46.png

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Hello r.huang3,

Total proceeds should be greater than $0.:

Virtual currency transactions

Number of units sold
Date of acquisition (dd-mm-yyyy)
Date of disposition (dd-mm-yyyy)
Method of alienation
Total proceeds from the sale of the property  < - - - Enter proceeds of sale
Adjusted cost base of the property < - - - Enter ACB related to the sale

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello r.huang3,

Acquisition price = Adjusted cost base of the property < - - - Enter ACB related to the sale

FYI - an example :

You have a capital gain when you sell, or are considered to have sold, a capital property for more than the total of its ACB and the outlays and expenses incurred to sell the property.

In 2022, Mario sold 400 shares of XYZ Public Corporation of Canada for $6,500. He received the full amount of the proceeds of disposition at the time of the sale and paid a commission of $60. The ACB of the shares is $4,000. Mario calculates his capital gain as follows:

Proceeds of disposition   $6,500
Adjusted cost base 
Outlays and expenses on disposition 
+ $60C 

= $4,060− 4,060
Capital gain (line A minus line D) 
  = $2,440


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